From the very beginning I wanted to create a more than existing environment seemed to require. I know, solely my efforts would not make a world an ideal place but I believe that it is always possible to set an ideal goal and path towards to it. This path is endless. I aim this for me, for my friends, for alike-minded, for my country and for the whole universe.
I am ARDI!

Insurance is a social and an economic support for each customer, population and country – thus the responsibility is tremendous. We create more than it can be counted – the support. And ARDI’s each customer is an ARDIAN too. We create services – not just funds, but foremost the right processes to assist customers to manage their risks. The service, firstly, is insurance counseling and risk management. The risks are real and their management is possible. There are no challenge and crisis you are not able to overcome, if you are aware of the risk and you are well-prepared. The product is only part of the service. The product is the promise and the service is the fulfilling of this promise.
Service is the responsible understanding and proper management of a product, justly and simply. Each ARDIAN contributes to this cause making service of ARDI very unrepeatable because each ARDIAN, with individual character and humaneness, is unrepeatable. Development is an endless process. We are looking for opportunities. Opportunities to make the service simple to understand and accept in any relationship with ARDI, easy for customer to understand the logic, to minimize wasting of time. Finding and using opportunities, managing resources effectively is a task, but the main resources are still only two – human and time.
Gratified customer and the valuable activity for the society are ARDI’s advertisement. Extensive scale and notoriety, makes me even more responsible to analyze public challenges and contribute my role along to the society by overcoming them. We are a part of the community. The same hurts and we do the same dream, what and about the society does as a whole. And we have the resources and the chance to contribute to the development of the community and the country.

We are able to see and analyze large-scale challenges and find ways publicly to overcome them. We are looking for healthy partnerships as everyone gets stronger with partners. We are open. Our achievements are also open. ARDI is green. Not just by the symbol of its logo but by its lifestyle. Ecology is not just a packaging material and we strive to cultivate eco-awareness in us and in our policies as well. In the nearest future our paper will be digital and the trees - more and planted by Us.
The knowledge, innovation, ultimate sense of responsibility and action - are our main strengths. We rejoice if our contribution in development brings results to many just as we use the achievements of others without losing our individuality.
We, ARDI and ARDIANS, are an institutional community. And ARDI is alike to ARDIANS - individually and together...